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/ 501 Great Games / 501 Great Games - Volume One (2001)(Guildhall Leisure Services).iso / MEGASLOT / MEGASLOT.JCS < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-05-27  |  15KB  |  299 lines

  1. "PLINK","12370"
  2. "CLASSLEVEL","1"
  3. "PROGRAM","         "
  4. "MAINTTYPE","A"
  5. "MAINTDATE","2/25/1997"
  6. "MAINTCOMMENT","                    "
  7. "SHORTDESC","Mega Slots          "
  8. "MEDDESC","Mega Slots for Windows                  "
  9. "VERSION","1.0d      "
  10. "ORIGDATE","1/31/1997"
  11. "CURDATE","2/25/1997"
  12. "ZIP1","MEGASLT1"
  13. "ZIP2","MEGASLT2"
  14. "ZIP3","         "
  15. "ZIP4","         "
  16. "ZIP5","         "
  17. "ZIP6","         "
  18. "VEND1","         "
  19. "VEND2","         "
  20. "VEND3","         "
  21. "VEND4","         "
  22. "VEND5","         "
  23. "VEND6","         "
  24. "SCREEN","        "
  25. "SIZE1","0"
  26. "SIZE2","0"
  27. "SIZE3","0"
  28. "SIZE4","0"
  29. "SIZE5","0"
  30. "SIZE6","0"
  31. "SSIZE",""
  32. "TEXTENV","Windows        "
  33. "ENVDOS","F"
  34. "ENVWIN","T"
  35. "ENVWIN95","T"
  36. "ENVOS2","F"
  37. "ENVOTHER","F"
  38. "CLASS1","3900 Game-Casino"
  39. "CLASS2","4400 Game-Simulator"
  40. "CLASS3","3800 Game-Card"
  41. "CLASS4","4600 Game-Other"
  42. "MEMSIZE","6000"
  43. "HDREQ","T"
  44. "HDSIZE","5"
  45. "FIDDIZ1","!!!!!!!!! MEGA SLOTS FOR WINDOWS !!!!!!!!!"
  46. "FIDDIZ2","More than just a another slot machine game."
  47. "FIDDIZ3","Choose from 6 different slot games like "
  48. "FIDDIZ4","wild cherry, double cash bars, jump city, "
  49. "FIDDIZ5","& mega bucks. Complete with outstanding"
  50. "FIDDIZ6","animation, graphics, music, and sound. Save"
  51. "FIDDIZ7","and restore games, and much, much more."
  52. "FIDDIZ8","Requires mouse, sound card, 6Mg RAM, "
  53. "FIDDIZ9","5Mg HD, Win 3.1+, 66Mhz 486+, VGA+."
  54. "LONG1","!!!!!!!!! MEGA SLOTS FOR WINDOWS !!!!!!!!!"
  55. "LONG2","More than just a another slot machine game."
  56. "LONG3","Choose from 6 different slot games like "
  57. "LONG4","wild cherry, double cash bars, jump city, "
  58. "LONG5","& mega bucks. Complete with outstanding"
  59. "LONG6","animation, graphics, music, and sound. Save"
  60. "LONG7","and restore games, and much, much more."
  61. "LONG8","Requires mouse, sound card, 6Mg RAM, "
  62. "LONG9","5Mg HD, Win 3.1+, 66Mhz 486+, VGA+."
  63. "KEYW1","Las, Vegas, Casino, Game, Shareware, Slots, Gambling, Bitwise,"
  64. "KEYW2","Gamble, Bet, Strategy"
  65. "REG1","The cost to register is $24.95 (includes $5.00 for shipping) and we"
  66. "REG2","accept personal checks, Company checks, money orders, certified"
  67. "REG3","checks, and Visa, Mastercard, and American Express."
  68. "REG4",""
  69. "REG5","Registered Users receive lifetime free upgrades by downloading new"
  70. "REG6","versions from CompuServe, AOL, our BBS, and our Internet site."
  71. "REG7",""
  72. "REG8","On-line SECURE orders may be placed from our Internet Web Site:"
  73. "REG9","http://www.Qhost.com/bitwise/order.htm  (fastest way to order!!)"
  74. "REG10",""
  75. "REG11","On-line SECURE orders may also be placed thru our BBS:"
  76. "REG12","602-492-9747  (N-8-1, 29.9 max)"
  77. "REG13",""
  78. "REG14","On-line SECURE orders may also be placed thru CompuServe's Shareware"
  79. "REG15","Registration Service (GO SWREG). Enter Registration ID #2584."
  80. "REG16",""
  81. "REG17","You may also phone in your order at 1-888-83-VEGAS US"
  82. "REG18","Only (or 602-582-4468 outside US) or fax it to us at: 602-516-8697."
  83. "INST1","To install this program, copy the file "MEGASLOT.ZIP" to the desired"
  84. "INST2","directory ("\MEGASLOT" suggested) on your hard disk. Next, use"
  85. "INST3","PKUNZIP.EXE to unzip the file. Finally, run the installation program"
  86. "INST4","SLOTLOAD.EXE (after unzipping) to start the installation process."
  87. "INST5",""
  88. "INST6","SLOTLOAD.EXE is a self-installing packed file and running it will"
  89. "INST7","unpack and install all the needed files and programs. Once the"
  90. "INST8","self-install process is complete, this file (SLOTLOAD.EXE) can be"
  91. "INST9","removed. However, you should always retain a copy of this file on"
  92. "INST10","diskette or tape just in case you need to reinstall it in the future."
  93. "INST11",""
  94. "INST12","If a message appears asking you whether or not you wish to replace"
  95. "INST13","an existing file in the MEGASLOT directory, answer with a "Y". DO"
  97. "INST15",""
  98. "INST16","To start the game manually, run the file MEGASLOT.EXE from Windows 3.1"
  99. "INST17","File Manager or click on the Video Baccarat icon installed into the"
  100. "INST18","GAMES Program Group or Folder (or the program group you selected)."
  101. "INST19",""
  102. "INST20","NOTE: Be sure you are running Windows Version 3.1 or higher and your"
  103. "INST21","are running Windows 3.1 in "386 Enhanced Mode" (not Standard Mode)."
  104. "INST22","Check your \WINDOWS directory and see if you have a WIN.BAT file."
  105. "INST23","Be sure the WIN.COM or WIN command in the batch file DOES NOT include"
  106. "INST24","the /S switch. This causes Windows to start in Standard Mode. Be sure"
  107. "INST25","the command is followed by blanks or /E to insure you start in"
  108. "INST26","Enhanced Mode. Otherwise, this game may not operate correctly. If you"
  109. "INST27","cannot see the 386 Enhanced Program Item (icon = computer chip) on the"
  110. "INST28","Windows Control Panel, then you are not running Windows in the"
  111. "INST29","Enhanced Mode."
  112. "INST30",""
  113. "INST31","Please see your Windows 3.1 Users Manual for more information."
  114. "INST32",""
  115. "INST33","Also, once you are running Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode, you should"
  116. "INST34","set up as large a Permanent Swap File (not Temporary) as Windows will"
  117. "INST35","allow. This allows Windows to use free disk space as computer memory"
  118. "INST36","and it will allow you to run bigger programs. This is done from"
  119. "INST37","Windows Control Panel with the 386 Enhanced Icon."
  120. "INST38",""
  121. "INST39","This program was written in Visual Basic V3.0 and REQUIRES the Visual"
  122. "INST40","Basic V 3.0 Runtime Library file called VBRUN300.DLL (normally"
  123. "INST41","included). Be sure this file is located in the same directory where"
  124. "INST42","you loaded and unzipped    PVPOKE.EXE."
  125. "INST43",""
  126. "INST44","NOTE: If you obtained a copy of this game from Compuserve, Ziff-Net,"
  127. "INST45","or any other BBS, the file VBRUN300.DLL was not included in the "
  128. "INST46","zipped distribution file."
  129. "INST47",""
  130. "INST48","This was done to save download time and related costs. The file"
  131. "INST49","VBRUN300.DLL is available in most BBS forums -- check with your"
  132. "INST50","forum's    Sysop or search the BBS files by name for "VBRUN" or "Visual"
  133. "INST51","Basic"."
  134. "VINST1","VENDORS!!! - Be sure to download the latest version from our Internet"
  135. "VINST2","    web site. The address to the site is shown below. YOU MUST BE"
  136. "VINST3","    SURE you are distributing the latest version!"
  137. "VINST4",""
  138. "VINST5","        http://www.Qhost.com/bitwise/index.htm"
  139. "VINST6",""
  141. "VINST8","==================="
  142. "VINST9","This is a self-installing packed EXE program (Wise Installation"
  143. "VINST10","System) which will walk the end-user through installing all needed"
  144. "VINST11","programs and files onto their Windows compatible computer system."
  145. "VINST12",""
  147. "VINST14","==============="
  148. "VINST15","1) Run a virus check against the EXE file as it exists on diskette."
  149. "VINST16","   This will check the install part (unpacked front end) of the EXE"
  150. "VINST17","   program file."
  151. "VINST18",""
  152. "VINST19","2) Next, have this EXE install file extract and unpack all internal"
  153. "VINST20","   files so you may run a virus checking system against them. Run"
  154. "VINST21","   the EXE file with the   /X  command switch from within Windows."
  155. "VINST22","   Example:"
  156. "VINST23",""
  157. "VINST24","            SLOTLOAD.EXE /X"
  158. "VINST25",""
  159. "VINST26","   This will display a dialog box that allows you to select and"
  160. "VINST27","extract"
  161. "VINST28","   each file individually."
  162. "VINST29",""
  163. "VINST30","2b) Option: from Windows: to have ALL files unpacked and placed into"
  164. "VINST31","    a directory of your choice, add a full path name to the /X"
  165. "VINST32","    option above. Example:"
  166. "VINST33",""
  167. "VINST34","            SLOTLOAD.EXE /X  C:\TEST"
  168. "VINST35",""
  169. "VINST36","    The install EXE will unpack and place ALL packed files into the"
  170. "VINST37","    C:\TEST directory you named above. This must be run from within"
  171. "VINST38","    Windows. Then you can run a virus check against the packed files"
  172. "VINST39","    in their unpacked state."
  173. "VINST40",""
  174. "VINST41","2c) Option: from DOS: to have ALL files unpacked and placed into"
  175. "VINST42","    a directory of your choice, use a /Z command switch with a     "
  176. "VINST43","    full path name. Example:"
  177. "VINST44",""
  178. "VINST45","            SLOTLOAD.EXE /Z  C:\TEST"
  179. "VINST46",""
  180. "VINST47","    The install EXE will locate and start Windows and then unpack"
  181. "VINST48","    and place ALL packed files into the C:\TEST directory you named"
  182. "VINST49","    above, and the exit Windows. You can then run a virus check"
  183. "VINST50","    against the packed files in their unpacked state."
  184. "VINST51",""
  185. "VINST52","3) Finally, run a virus check against the unpacked files."
  186. "VINST53",""
  187. "VINST54","When using the command line /X or /Z switches, no packed files are"
  188. "VINST55","run. Only the front part (unpacked executable) of the installation"
  189. "VINST56","EXE is run and this part was checked for virus in step 1 above. After"
  190. "VINST57","the unpack is done, the virus check was done against the unpacked"
  191. "VINST58","files contained in the original install EXE. This is a very reliable"
  192. "VINST59","virus check method."
  193. "VINST60",""
  194. "VINST61","Most other install systems that use any form of compression, other"
  195. "VINST62","than PKZIP, are not reliable when the virus check is run against"
  196. "VINST63","their packed files. This includes most Microsoft install systems and"
  197. "VINST64","proprietary compression schemes."
  198. "VINST65",""
  199. "VINST66","BEWARE: just because a virus check is run against a compressed file"
  200. "VINST67","and the virus checking software does not report a virus, this does"
  201. "VINST68","not mean the file is clean. It just means the virus check software"
  202. "VINST69","did not understand the packed file compression scheme and a virus"
  203. "VINST70","could be lurking inside of it. The Developer that wrote the"
  204. "VINST71","compression scheme must provide the format of their packed files to"
  205. "VINST72","virus checking software companies in order for the compression scheme"
  206. "VINST73","to be understood by the virus checking software."
  207. "VINST74",""
  209. "VINST76","===================="
  210. "VINST77","If you wish to repack the files to use you own installation system,"
  211. "VINST78","you may do so. Just unpack the files with the /X or /Z commands above"
  212. "VINST79","and remove the original EXE self-installing file and any WISE*.DLL"
  213. "VINST80","files. The remaining files are all required for distribution."
  214. "VINST81",""
  216. "VINST83","============================="
  217. "VINST84","Shareware Disk or CD-ROM Vendors, including all BBS operators and"
  218. "VINST85","systems, may distribute as many copies of this game as desired to"
  219. "VINST86","any of their SHAREWARE subscribers or SHAREWARE end-users provided"
  220. "VINST87","they do not change any of our program's related files or their"
  221. "VINST88","content."
  222. "VINST89",""
  223. "VINST90","The sale price to end-users cannot be more than $4.95 unless bundled"
  224. "VINST91","with at least 10 other programs."
  225. "VINST92",""
  226. "VINST93","All Shareware Vendors must actively promote end-user shareware"
  227. "VINST94","registrations in order to distribute our programs."
  228. "VINST95",""
  229. "VINST96","All Shareware Vendors must inform us IN WRITING writing of their"
  230. "VINST97","distribution of any of our programs. Please provide organization's"
  231. "VINST98","name, address, phone, and your internal disk numbers our programs"
  232. "VINST99","will be distributed on. We will then be able to send the latest"
  233. "VINST100","copy of our programs to you."
  234. "VINST101",""
  235. "VINST102","If possible, Shareware Vendors should send us their catalog and"
  236. "VINST103","place us on their mailing list."
  237. "VINST104",""
  238. "VINST105","Shareware Vendors may unpack and repackage the files to use their"
  239. "VINST106","own installation program, if need be. However, our single installation"
  240. "VINST107","file PVPOKE.EXE should be the simplest to use for any user."
  241. "VINST108",""
  242. "VINST109","Retail-ware or rack-ware distributors must obtain written permission"
  243. "VINST110","FROM US BEFORE any distribution is allowed. *** NO EXCEPTIONS ***"
  244. "VINST111",""
  246. "VINST113","==============="
  247. "VINST114","                   Jay J. Falconer"
  248. "VINST115","              Bitwise Software International, Inc."
  249. "VINST116","                21620 N. 19th Ave, #A-11"
  250. "VINST117","                Phoenix, Arizona  85027"
  251. "VINST118","                 Voice: (602) 582-4468"
  252. "VINST119","                   Fax: (602) 516-8697"
  253. "VINST120","                   BBS: (602) 492-9747"
  254. "VINST121","                            CIS: 72074,2677"
  255. "VINST122","                       AOL: Bitwise SW"
  256. "VINST123","                          Internet: BitwiseSW@aol.com"
  257. "VINST124",""
  258. "VINST125","Our New Internet WWW Home Page:"
  259. "VINST126","==============================="
  260. "VINST127","    http://www.Qhost.com/bitwise/index.htm"
  261. "VINST128",""
  262. "VINST129","VENDORS!!! - Be sure to download the latest version from our Internet"
  263. "VINST130","    web site. The address to the site is shown above. YOU MUST BE"
  264. "VINST131","    SURE you are distributing the latest version!"
  265. "PERM1","Shareware Disk or CD-ROM Vendors, including all BBS operators and"
  266. "PERM2","systems, may distribute as many copies of this game as desired to"
  267. "PERM3","any of their SHAREWARE subscribers or SHAREWARE end-users provided"
  268. "PERM4","they do not change any of our program's related files or their"
  269. "PERM5","content."
  270. "PERM6",""
  271. "PERM7","REQUIRED:"
  272. "PERM8","Be sure to download the latest version from our Internet web site. The"
  273. "PERM9","address to the site is shown below. YOU MUST BE    SURE you are"
  274. "PERM10","distributing the latest version!"
  275. "PERM11","        http://www.Qhost.com/bitwise/index.htm"
  276. "PERM12",""
  277. "PERM13","REQUIRED:"
  278. "PERM14","Shareware Vendors must actively promote end-user shareware"
  279. "PERM15","registrations in order to distribute our programs."
  280. "PERM16",""
  281. "PERM17","REQUIRED:"
  282. "PERM18","Shareware Vendors must inform us in writing of their distribution"
  283. "PERM19","of any of our programs. Please provide organization's name, address,"
  284. "PERM20","phone, and internal disk numbers our programs will be distributed on."
  285. "PERM21","We will then be able to send the latest copy of our programs to the"
  286. "PERM22","Vendor."
  287. "PERM23",""
  288. "PERM24","PREFERRED:"
  289. "PERM25","If possible, Shareware Vendors should send us their catalog and"
  290. "PERM26","place us on their mailing list."
  291. "PERM27",""
  292. "PERM28","Shareware Vendors may unpack and repackage the files to use their"
  293. "PERM29","own installation program, if need be. However, our single installation"
  294. "PERM30","file PVPOKE.EXE should be the simplest to use for any user."
  295. "PERM31",""
  296. "PERM32","REQUIRED:"
  297. "PERM33","Retail-ware or rack-ware distributors must obtain written permission"
  298. "PERM34","from us BEFORE any distribution is allowed. *** NO EXCEPTIONS ***"